In this blog post, Selen Celik Gungör, Casambi lighting controls designer, summarizes her key learnings from the Berlin conference.

In the ever-evolving world of lighting design and innovation, the 2023 Enlighten Europe Berlin conference once again served as a gathering ground for lighting enthusiasts and professionals from around the globe. This year’s event showcased a diverse array of presentations, discussions, and trends in the lighting industry, addressing crucial aspects such as sustainability, natural light integration, and the pressing issue of Anthropogenic Light At Night (ALAN). The event shed light on how designers and professionals are rethinking their approaches to illuminate our world in a way that is both beneficial to humans and considerate of the environment. 

The ALAN dilemma and its environmental impact. 

At the forefront of discussions was Charles Stone, the visionary founder of Fisher Marantz Stone. Stone delved into the realm of ALAN – the unintended illumination of the night sky due to human activities. He underscored the undeniable impact that light pollution has on both flora and fauna. His presentation elucidated how factors like illumination levels and exposure duration directly influence the delicate balance of ecosystems. As cities expand and lighting becomes more pervasive, the concern over ALAN has grown exponentially. This highlighted the need for lighting designers to not only prioritize illuminance in outdoor spaces but also consider the biodiversity of the surrounding environment. 

Sustainability and smart systems, the new nexus. 

Martina Weiss and Konstantin Klaas from Licht Kunst Licht addressed the pivotal role of sustainability and energy management in the lighting industry. They posed the question of whether building owners and planners are well-versed in the latest smart systems that contribute to sustainability. The broader landscape of sustainability now encompasses climate protection, CO2 emissions, global concerns, and energy consumption. Balancing all these facets has become essential in creating a better future. As the demand for environmentally conscious solutions grows, lighting professionals must align their strategies with the broader sustainability spectrum. 

Sun’s out, bulbs out! Harnessing the power of natural light.  

Another pivotal theme of IALD 2023 was the resurgence of natural light. Presenters unanimously advocated for the greater integration of natural light in design projects. Isabel Villar from White Arkitekter underscored the importance of sustainable solutions that harmonize with the environment. Her presentation emphasized the connections between energy efficiency, well-being, light pollution reduction, and circular design principles. This echoes the sentiment that a holistic approach to lighting design is crucial for a healthier and more sustainable future. 

The role of lighting control systems. 

As these discussions unfolded, the importance of lighting control systems emerged as a driving force. The evolving landscape of lighting demands flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to create various scenarios. Lighting control systems are emerging as tools to not only optimize illuminance levels according to daylight but also reduce light pollution. Human-centric lighting is no longer a choice but a necessity for designing environments that prioritize well-being. These systems enable users to track movement, adjust light levels through sensors, and create tailored environments that enhance comfort and productivity. 

Lighting the path ahead.  

In the realm of lighting design, IALD 2023 underscored a common theme – the urgency of creating a more sustainable and mindful lighting future. With the growth of urban landscapes and the increasing impact of ALAN, lighting professionals must rethink their strategies and embrace innovative solutions. By harnessing the power of natural light, advocating for sustainability, and utilizing advanced lighting control systems, designers can pave the way for a luminous future that harmonizes with the environment and enhances human well-being. 

As the conference concluded, it left a resounding message – the control of light is not merely an artistic endeavor but a responsibility to create a better world. Balancing aesthetics, sustainability, and technological innovation is the key to ensuring that our illuminated future is both dazzling and gentle on our planet. 

Casambi, a leading provider of wireless lighting control solutions, can play a pivotal role in addressing the imperative for sustainable lighting. By offering systems that enable precise adjustments of illuminance levels and facilitating the integration of natural light, Casambi can contribute to the realization of a more environmentally conscious and human-centric lighting future. Want to know more? Get in touch!

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